Professional Inspection and Certification Services for Vital Life-Saving Equipment


The assurance of the functionality and reliability of life-saving equipment stands as a cornerstone of maritime safety. At ARC SHIP, we offer professional inspection and certification services meticulously aligned with the stringent guidelines of the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) protocol. Our holistic approach encompasses all critical facets of life-saving equipment, guaranteeing compliance and preparedness for exigent circumstances.

Cargo ship at Miami harbor with crane and blue sky over sea.

Lifebuoys and Life-Jackets

Rigorous inspection and certification to validate buoyancy, condition, and adherence to SOLAS stipulations. Ensuring the implementation of proper maintenance and storage protocols to uphold operational efficacy.
Cargo ship at Miami harbor with crane and blue sky over sea.

Immersion Suits, Anti-exposure Suits, and Thermal Protective Aids

Thorough evaluation to ascertain integrity and insulation properties of immersion suits, anti-exposure suits, and thermal protective aids. Verification of accessibility and deployment mechanisms to facilitate swift donning during emergencies.